Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dunn in the House

Today I shoplifted some Ju Ju Be's.
See. That's the last time.

Dr. Dunn is awesome and will be the benevolent savior of our species on this planet.
Listen to him.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Breaking Away

I've never seen "Breaking Away" before. It's awesome. Benefits of being home. Phlegm is the downside.

Down for Maintainence

Last week at work I found someone who lives in Playa del Rey, which is right down the Ballona Creek path from our place, and we were gonna start to ride this weekend in preparation for the Acura LA Bike Tour in March.
Lots of luck, I got bronchitis this week and have been home from work since Monday. This thing has kicked my ass. I haven't been this sick in a LONG time.
The really crappy thing will be trying to figure out how long it will take for my lungs to fully recover. Last thing I want to do is go for a ride, and realize that I can't make it home because I'm sucking wind. Ugh.
The good thing is that I saw the doctor in time. If I hadn't gone in early Monday. Literally given it one day more, it would have turned into pneumonia. So, I guess all you can do is keep the engine running healthy and see the doctor if there's a problem. Something little today can really do some damage if left unchecked.

Monday, January 8, 2007


Hopefully the inconvenient truth for this guy is that no schmo is gonna pay 72 grand for an electric Rav-4.


Friday, January 5, 2007

Bike Metro

Sometimes the best route for a car isn't the best for a bike. (again, I'm new at this gimme a little rope.) My buddy Wayne came over to our place from Mid-Wilshire using a route from BikeMetro.com and one of my co-workers recommended it.

Very cool.


Welcome All!

Hi There. I never thought of myself as much of a "blogger" but recently I've started biking with the intention of commuting the 14 miles to work. Also, as the LA driving culture isn't going away, I may as well run a cleaner fuel. Biodiesel.
Looking to get a new (used) car to run biodiesel when the time comes, but in the mean time, this is real, and I don't want to be part of the problem any more than I have to.

So, I'll post things that are cool about bikes, commuting by bike, and biofuel.

Enjoy. Have fun, etc.
