Hi There.
Well, the Start to Finish MS 150 ride was a resounding success, save for the fact that the second day was stopped at mile 30 due to extraordinary winds. Those same winds ultimately caught SoCal on fire for a few weeks. Not good. Thanks to all who donated and especially thank you to Robyn, Andy, Michele, Mindy, Mike & Olivia for being our core team. Next year in Jerusalem.
Haven't done any serious riding since the MS 150. I am a bad cyclist. I blame the daylight savings. Can anyone re commend a good light?
Where has all the biodiesel in Southern California gone? WTF??? Marina Del Rey's pumps are out. There's only one working pump at Conserv Fuel, and they certainly don't want me to Conserv Money because their prices are outrageous. Even SoCal Biodiesel Co-Op's prices are high. I'm halfway to spending my saturdays degreasing the combs of Venice Beach hipsters to make fuel.
Well, looks like it's back to the bike to thwart the evils of my own fat ass, and the oil cartels.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I'm Back!
Well that was a heck of a hiatus from posting on the Bike and Bio Blog. Good to be back.
So news up to the moment...
Putting together a team to ride the "Start to Finish MS" bike tour in October. Andy and I have been training and riding a lot more than we were. It's a good thing. Keeps me motivated. The team is nearly at our fundraising goal and we've got some great supporters behind us. Thanks to all.
I rode from Culver City (home) to Burbank (work) two weeks ago Wednesday. What I thought was an insane route a few months back was pretty manageable. Just keep eating and drinking and conserve energy, and it's do-able. Also it's got a great "you're insane!" factor behind it.
The biodiesel machine is truckin along just fine. Almost to 100,000 miles. Shed a tear and look forward to it's new life as a 100k+ car.
More to come...
So news up to the moment...
Putting together a team to ride the "Start to Finish MS" bike tour in October. Andy and I have been training and riding a lot more than we were. It's a good thing. Keeps me motivated. The team is nearly at our fundraising goal and we've got some great supporters behind us. Thanks to all.
I rode from Culver City (home) to Burbank (work) two weeks ago Wednesday. What I thought was an insane route a few months back was pretty manageable. Just keep eating and drinking and conserve energy, and it's do-able. Also it's got a great "you're insane!" factor behind it.
The biodiesel machine is truckin along just fine. Almost to 100,000 miles. Shed a tear and look forward to it's new life as a 100k+ car.
More to come...
Friday, April 6, 2007
Cyclist? Bike Enthusiast?
Alright. Do I need to define myself? Am I a cyclist if I'm not competitive? Am I a bike enthusiast if I ride for more than just the scenery?
I started riding a bike when I thought that I wanted a leisurely ride on Saturday morning down to the beach. I got a rusty old beach cruiser. Replaced the tires, re-packed the bearings, and got a new seat. Now I call the seat a saddle. I gave the cruiser away when I got my hybrid. I thought that riding to the beach would be more fun if I went a little faster, if the bike held together better, I could go farther. I could explore more. I found that I liked going faster and I got a bike computer to tell me how fast and how far.
Then came the road bike. A co-worker of mine found a Cannondale SR900 among thousands of beer cans in a forclosure property. He got $800 worth of recycling, and I got the bike and a mechanic's stand. I cleaned it, replaced the pedals, and got a new saddle. Now I can go even faster, I feel like I could go farther, and I can really start to build technique and a body that lycra wouldn't embarass.
Is this what I want out of cycling? Can I exist in two camps of bike riding? I want to lose more weight and am well on my way. I want to ride to work, and to do that, I need to build up my cycling endurance. So, is it bad to train on the road bike and then choose the hybrid for commuting?
I can't stand the gym anymore. Being stationary sucks. I think the only way to figure out what keeps me riding is to just keep riding. Not worry about which bike as long as I am on a bike.
I found a new barber. His name is David and cuts hair in Culver City at George's on Sepulveda. He's been racing bikes for years. When I asked him how to train and get better, he said, "Go from where you get on the path all the way down. Pass Manhattan Beach. Go to Palos Verdes, up the hill by Trump's golf course and come back. Do that every weekend for a year, and then maybe you will be ready for a club ride."
I think I'll stop wondering, and just keep riding.
I started riding a bike when I thought that I wanted a leisurely ride on Saturday morning down to the beach. I got a rusty old beach cruiser. Replaced the tires, re-packed the bearings, and got a new seat. Now I call the seat a saddle. I gave the cruiser away when I got my hybrid. I thought that riding to the beach would be more fun if I went a little faster, if the bike held together better, I could go farther. I could explore more. I found that I liked going faster and I got a bike computer to tell me how fast and how far.
Then came the road bike. A co-worker of mine found a Cannondale SR900 among thousands of beer cans in a forclosure property. He got $800 worth of recycling, and I got the bike and a mechanic's stand. I cleaned it, replaced the pedals, and got a new saddle. Now I can go even faster, I feel like I could go farther, and I can really start to build technique and a body that lycra wouldn't embarass.
Is this what I want out of cycling? Can I exist in two camps of bike riding? I want to lose more weight and am well on my way. I want to ride to work, and to do that, I need to build up my cycling endurance. So, is it bad to train on the road bike and then choose the hybrid for commuting?
I can't stand the gym anymore. Being stationary sucks. I think the only way to figure out what keeps me riding is to just keep riding. Not worry about which bike as long as I am on a bike.
I found a new barber. His name is David and cuts hair in Culver City at George's on Sepulveda. He's been racing bikes for years. When I asked him how to train and get better, he said, "Go from where you get on the path all the way down. Pass Manhattan Beach. Go to Palos Verdes, up the hill by Trump's golf course and come back. Do that every weekend for a year, and then maybe you will be ready for a club ride."
I think I'll stop wondering, and just keep riding.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
500 Miles and Runnin'!
I thought it was awesome when I rolled into work and my trip odometer read 475 miles. Then I decided to just drive home normally and head directly to USA Fuel in Marina Del Rey. Pulled up to the pump, and there it was. 500.1 miles.
That was on 50/50 petro/biodiesel. This tank is all bio. Let's see what this puppy can do.
I have been accused of driving a bit grandmotherly since getting the TDI. I want to suck as many miles out of the tank as possible, but also, I'm getting used to the dimensions of the car.
Peppier driving to come.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Pictures from the Acura L.A. Bike Tour

Pictures of the lovely Robyn, and my intrepid compatriots, Andy, John, and Brad. Had fun. Felt good. I need to ride to work. Just once.
The first real fllup. 458 miles on this one...
Wow. After years of thinking it wasn't so bad getting 23 mpg in the Alero, and then the years of thinking, 23 mpg sucks and I need a new car, getting 458 miles to the tank is awesome!
Right now, it's working out to about 38 mpg, which is pretty good. I've been doing more coasting. Coasting is good. Sometimes coasting pisses off the driver behind you, but whatever. The light is red, calm down.
So here's the deal. I did 7 gallons of petro-diesel, at $3.09 / gal (which was the lowest priced fuel at the station. Hah!) And then I went to USA Fuel in Marina Del Rey and topped off the tank with Biodiesel. I don't know what the deal is, but the car is noticably quieter at idle. Must be that lubrcity thing.
I sold my car (the Alero) Thursday night and things are good. Got a car cover for the Jetta so the Burbank sun and grime doesn't destroy the finish which was so well cared for by its previous owner. Got a car wash today, and I love the diesel.
I still feel weird filling up half as often as I used to, and always being able to find a vacant pump. It will be interesting to see what happens to gas prices this summer.
As others have said... I'm burnin the bean!
Right now, it's working out to about 38 mpg, which is pretty good. I've been doing more coasting. Coasting is good. Sometimes coasting pisses off the driver behind you, but whatever. The light is red, calm down.
So here's the deal. I did 7 gallons of petro-diesel, at $3.09 / gal (which was the lowest priced fuel at the station. Hah!) And then I went to USA Fuel in Marina Del Rey and topped off the tank with Biodiesel. I don't know what the deal is, but the car is noticably quieter at idle. Must be that lubrcity thing.
I sold my car (the Alero) Thursday night and things are good. Got a car cover for the Jetta so the Burbank sun and grime doesn't destroy the finish which was so well cared for by its previous owner. Got a car wash today, and I love the diesel.
I still feel weird filling up half as often as I used to, and always being able to find a vacant pump. It will be interesting to see what happens to gas prices this summer.
As others have said... I'm burnin the bean!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
This is amazing. I fueled up on Sunday, and it's Thursday, and the gas guage has barely moved! I'm going through serious gasoline withdrawal here. What am I going to do with the extra time each week where I don't have to stop and fill up?
So taking the advice of other TDI folks on TDIclub.com I pushed in the vent button while filling up, and got the maximum full-ness out of the tank. We'll see how far it goes.
Oh, and if you know anyone looking to buy a '99 Olds Alero V6 with a really nice interior, let me know.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Quite a Day. Both Biking and Bio-ing
Well, today was amazing. Acura L.A. Bike tour this morning (3:30 Wakeup!!) and this evening, i picked up my 2003 Jetta TDI.
I'm psyched. Got a medal for riding the 22 miles through Los Angeles with my buddies, and I got my car. Great day.
This morning, my lovely wife used the utility of her SUV to drive two of us to the bike tour, and we met the other guys at the parking lot.
We lined up, and in a barrage of booming fireworks, the ride was on!
We got to see parts of LA we normally wouldn't or couldn't ride through if there were traffic. Props to all who rode and finished. Thoughts out to the person who had a nasty fall on the bridge. Hope everything is okay.
We finished, met for breakfast, and then got some sleep. I'm going to train for the MS 150 in October. Now I definately feel like I could ride to work.
Tonight we went down to Long Beach and met the guy from whom I bought my TDI. That thing gets FAST on the freeway! I'm looking forward to "walking the walk" and it's onward from here.
Today was a great day. Felt accomplished, and now I have a new car.
Pictures from the ride soon.
I'm psyched. Got a medal for riding the 22 miles through Los Angeles with my buddies, and I got my car. Great day.
This morning, my lovely wife used the utility of her SUV to drive two of us to the bike tour, and we met the other guys at the parking lot.
We lined up, and in a barrage of booming fireworks, the ride was on!
We got to see parts of LA we normally wouldn't or couldn't ride through if there were traffic. Props to all who rode and finished. Thoughts out to the person who had a nasty fall on the bridge. Hope everything is okay.
We finished, met for breakfast, and then got some sleep. I'm going to train for the MS 150 in October. Now I definately feel like I could ride to work.
Tonight we went down to Long Beach and met the guy from whom I bought my TDI. That thing gets FAST on the freeway! I'm looking forward to "walking the walk" and it's onward from here.
Today was a great day. Felt accomplished, and now I have a new car.
Pictures from the ride soon.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The Bike Tour is Next Weekend!
The Acura LA Bike Tour is next weekend. Looms large in the distance.
Was at a wedding this weekend. Didn't ride and ate too much.
It's only 26 miles. WTF?
Was at a wedding this weekend. Didn't ride and ate too much.
It's only 26 miles. WTF?
Monday, February 26, 2007
The TDI Cometh!

I am joining the resistance.
Enough research. Time for the action.
I did some of the ol' maths, and it would take me about 5 years in full-tank biodiesel fillups to equal the cost difference between what I would pay for this car and a new Prius. All the while, if I got tha Prius, still supporting the oil addiction.
If the Hummer is to Heroin, then the Prius is to Methadone. "Ease off. Ease off..."
I'm going cold turkey.
Again, I've been going back and forth for two years now. Prius... Biodiesel... Prius... Biodiesel... Enough.
My car is in need of an upgrade, and I can't wait to start driving my TDI.
Also, California is out of carpool lane stickers, and my company ended it's Hybrid incentive through Commuter Services. So, I'm getting my veggies and pumping it into the tank.
Hopefully my withdrawal from gasoline will be an easy one.
Three buckets...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The Training Ride
This Saturday, despite the threats of rain, Andy, Jon, and I went on a ride in preparation for our attempt at the Acura L.A. Bike Tour. 17 miles. Not bad. And that's in traffic! We started out at 10:00 am and rode up Sepulveda (North). We met Jon at the corner of Venice and Sepulveda, and then we all went East toward La Brea. Confirming that we were all good to go, we headed North on La Brea to Olympic, West on Olympic and back to Sepulveda, which we took South back to the start.
We made it up the hill at Century City, and the surprise rise just before Palms going South on Sepulveda. All for the reward of a smoothie at Mateo's in the strip mall at Sepulveda and Lucerne.
Even with traffic, stop lights, and our huffing, we did the loop, which my bike computer put at 17.3 miles, in about an hour and 15 minutes. That's good enough for me. It also made me think that I could do the ride from Culver City to Burbank, which is only 14 miles. That's the goal. Ride to work. It's a little insane, but I'll do it eventually.
Good ride. Looking forward to the Acura LA Bike Tour!
We made it up the hill at Century City, and the surprise rise just before Palms going South on Sepulveda. All for the reward of a smoothie at Mateo's in the strip mall at Sepulveda and Lucerne.
Even with traffic, stop lights, and our huffing, we did the loop, which my bike computer put at 17.3 miles, in about an hour and 15 minutes. That's good enough for me. It also made me think that I could do the ride from Culver City to Burbank, which is only 14 miles. That's the goal. Ride to work. It's a little insane, but I'll do it eventually.
Good ride. Looking forward to the Acura LA Bike Tour!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Volkswagen into the Green
Volkswagen in recent decades, in terms of technology, been the diesel leader in the US. We have the TDI, and for those of us looking to get the most efficiency out of biodiesel, the TDI is the way to go.
I still haven't bought my biodiesel ride yet, but it's nice to see that Volkwagen is still looking toward a green future, and solutions for the immediate future that make sense.
Volkswagen in recent decades, in terms of technology, been the diesel leader in the US. We have the TDI, and for those of us looking to get the most efficiency out of biodiesel, the TDI is the way to go.
I still haven't bought my biodiesel ride yet, but it's nice to see that Volkwagen is still looking toward a green future, and solutions for the immediate future that make sense.
Monday, February 5, 2007
greenoptions.com - A Review
Well, there's a new green blog out there, and since it got a hugg, thought I'd give it a try.
Including me, there are about a few hundred others out there who think that a green blog is a good idea. A good way of educating a community of users as to how better to make a change for the better.
I applaud all, including GreenOptions.com
Overall the site is attractive and well set up. There are links to daily stories about the greening of society, and those trying to make a difference.
Keeping true to the cause of Bike and Bio, I surfed GreenOptions.com
to see what's on their radar about bicycling, bike commuting, and biodiesel. Well, I was a bit disappointed. There was no mention of biodiesel, and the biking links were pretty sanitized and (pardon the pun) recycled. However, Green Options seems like it has a future, and I look forward to their link farm growing.
With bikes back in the news, and the mainstream media trying to convince people that sharing the road with cars is SO DANGEROUS, any site that promotes biking as a viable means of transportation is a good one.
Onward into a greener future.
Including me, there are about a few hundred others out there who think that a green blog is a good idea. A good way of educating a community of users as to how better to make a change for the better.
I applaud all, including GreenOptions.com
Overall the site is attractive and well set up. There are links to daily stories about the greening of society, and those trying to make a difference.
Keeping true to the cause of Bike and Bio, I surfed GreenOptions.com
to see what's on their radar about bicycling, bike commuting, and biodiesel. Well, I was a bit disappointed. There was no mention of biodiesel, and the biking links were pretty sanitized and (pardon the pun) recycled. However, Green Options seems like it has a future, and I look forward to their link farm growing.
With bikes back in the news, and the mainstream media trying to convince people that sharing the road with cars is SO DANGEROUS, any site that promotes biking as a viable means of transportation is a good one.
Onward into a greener future.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Dunn in the House
Today I shoplifted some Ju Ju Be's.
See. That's the last time.
Dr. Dunn is awesome and will be the benevolent savior of our species on this planet.
Listen to him.
See. That's the last time.
Dr. Dunn is awesome and will be the benevolent savior of our species on this planet.
Listen to him.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Breaking Away
Down for Maintainence
Last week at work I found someone who lives in Playa del Rey, which is right down the Ballona Creek path from our place, and we were gonna start to ride this weekend in preparation for the Acura LA Bike Tour in March.
Lots of luck, I got bronchitis this week and have been home from work since Monday. This thing has kicked my ass. I haven't been this sick in a LONG time.
The really crappy thing will be trying to figure out how long it will take for my lungs to fully recover. Last thing I want to do is go for a ride, and realize that I can't make it home because I'm sucking wind. Ugh.
The good thing is that I saw the doctor in time. If I hadn't gone in early Monday. Literally given it one day more, it would have turned into pneumonia. So, I guess all you can do is keep the engine running healthy and see the doctor if there's a problem. Something little today can really do some damage if left unchecked.
Lots of luck, I got bronchitis this week and have been home from work since Monday. This thing has kicked my ass. I haven't been this sick in a LONG time.
The really crappy thing will be trying to figure out how long it will take for my lungs to fully recover. Last thing I want to do is go for a ride, and realize that I can't make it home because I'm sucking wind. Ugh.
The good thing is that I saw the doctor in time. If I hadn't gone in early Monday. Literally given it one day more, it would have turned into pneumonia. So, I guess all you can do is keep the engine running healthy and see the doctor if there's a problem. Something little today can really do some damage if left unchecked.
Monday, January 8, 2007
Hopefully the inconvenient truth for this guy is that no schmo is gonna pay 72 grand for an electric Rav-4.
Friday, January 5, 2007
Bike Metro
Sometimes the best route for a car isn't the best for a bike. (again, I'm new at this gimme a little rope.) My buddy Wayne came over to our place from Mid-Wilshire using a route from BikeMetro.com and one of my co-workers recommended it.
Very cool.
Very cool.
Welcome All!
Hi There. I never thought of myself as much of a "blogger" but recently I've started biking with the intention of commuting the 14 miles to work. Also, as the LA driving culture isn't going away, I may as well run a cleaner fuel. Biodiesel.
Looking to get a new (used) car to run biodiesel when the time comes, but in the mean time, this is real, and I don't want to be part of the problem any more than I have to.
So, I'll post things that are cool about bikes, commuting by bike, and biofuel.
Enjoy. Have fun, etc.
Looking to get a new (used) car to run biodiesel when the time comes, but in the mean time, this is real, and I don't want to be part of the problem any more than I have to.
So, I'll post things that are cool about bikes, commuting by bike, and biofuel.
Enjoy. Have fun, etc.
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