I am joining the resistance.
Enough research. Time for the action.
I did some of the ol' maths, and it would take me about 5 years in full-tank biodiesel fillups to equal the cost difference between what I would pay for this car and a new Prius. All the while, if I got tha Prius, still supporting the oil addiction.
If the Hummer is to Heroin, then the Prius is to Methadone. "Ease off. Ease off..."
I'm going cold turkey.
Again, I've been going back and forth for two years now. Prius... Biodiesel... Prius... Biodiesel... Enough.
My car is in need of an upgrade, and I can't wait to start driving my TDI.
Also, California is out of carpool lane stickers, and my company ended it's Hybrid incentive through Commuter Services. So, I'm getting my veggies and pumping it into the tank.
Hopefully my withdrawal from gasoline will be an easy one.
Three buckets...
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