Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Roll Populi

The wheels on the bikes go round and round...
We can't avoid it. The news stream pounds into our heads the spectre of great socio-economic collapse spurned by higher and higher fuel prices, further reinforcing the Bush Plan.
However, an alternative is taking shape. A silent revolution of commuters dusting off the transportation in their garages and storage areas.
I see people on bicycles riding to work.
I see more people now on bikes as I drive, and I'm joined at stoplights by more cyclist commuters as I ride.
This is a beautiful thing. Think about it, as fuel prices go up, more people will turn to alternative transportation. We take buses and trains. We ride our bikes. We car pool.
Thus, we reduce airborne pollution and greenhouse gases. We become healthier by exercise. We discover new things and places in our own backyard, and become more social with other human beings.

My only request: Wear a helmet.

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