Monday, February 5, 2007 - A Review

Well, there's a new green blog out there, and since it got a hugg, thought I'd give it a try.
Including me, there are about a few hundred others out there who think that a green blog is a good idea. A good way of educating a community of users as to how better to make a change for the better.
I applaud all, including
Overall the site is attractive and well set up. There are links to daily stories about the greening of society, and those trying to make a difference.
Keeping true to the cause of Bike and Bio, I surfed
to see what's on their radar about bicycling, bike commuting, and biodiesel. Well, I was a bit disappointed. There was no mention of biodiesel, and the biking links were pretty sanitized and (pardon the pun) recycled. However, Green Options seems like it has a future, and I look forward to their link farm growing.
With bikes back in the news, and the mainstream media trying to convince people that sharing the road with cars is SO DANGEROUS, any site that promotes biking as a viable means of transportation is a good one.

Onward into a greener future.

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